01 Good Lighting
Ample Natural light is important and sitting in front of a window can help when video conferencing or studying. While setting up your space, try and place the study table close to the window.

02 Workstation Decor
Having plants in your vicinity lightens up the mood and makes you happier and thus more productive. Create a space that makes you feel comfortable and productive by tweaking what you have.

03 Electrical Sockets
Avoid the use of extension boxes and preferably sit closer to an electrical socket. With extension boxes, comes the possibility of tripping over the wires or even wires getting entangled.

04 Easy Accessibility
A diary, a pen, your glasses; anything you need to be your best self should be kept nearby. PS: Always keep a pair of earphones handy.

05 The Space
This may be the most difficult one. No one wants to keep spending time moving their stuff around daily. Try and find a permanent space; maybe the couch in your living room or the swing in your balcony and make it truly yours.